Sunday, September 14, 2008

Did anyone say antique road show?

Dad's plan is to use it as a tractor seat, pictures to follow. This should be one laugh riot.

Out with the old in with the new.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Metamophoris

This is the plant the boys grew in nursery school, for mothers day.

This ones for Joe, That nice green crystalis you saw turns black with gold spots, then in a few hours to a day, Wala, a butterfly. It's still a little wet and trying to unfurl its wings hanging on to the now clear crystalis. I don't think they can fly to well until it reaches 65 degrees, and we had some cool weather so it hung around on the porch a day, then i saw up in the oak tree. These late summer births are the ones headed to Mexico, something about being better nourished and fit. Found others (crystalis) hanging on the house and under the bird baths.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Unexpected Birth

Thought the boys would like to see the kittens. I told them it was a secret.

Meg guessed it, after their visit last week and remarking how thin the cats were, I decided to worm them before I went to AC, not really a good thing to do for an expectant mom, thought she looked better the very next day, so I thought it worked, until I got home and saw her with her baby. Here are a few flicks. It took me about 10 seconds to realize I had the cap on the camera, so be patient. Now Krissy you might have heard of this before, it may be to hard to look at...Cat Juggling! But all three take a nap after playing.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another front moves in

Now that I know what to call it.....
One other picture of the front, that rolled in. Neat huh? I really don't think it was raining that hard yet, the window needed to be cleaned. That's a lamp reflection in the left hand corner, but that thin white line are breakers on the beach. Followed by the ocean, sunny sky in the distance, and rolling clouds. The front.

Dad in the Ocean

Yup, that's your Dad way out there, the only one in and no life guards, but it was nice and warm. Yes, he did go under. Something about being therapeutic, thats what his Nanny would say.

Atlantic City --- BIG WINNERS

Get this one meg, 75cents= $1,378.00, better than those ponies you bet on. HEE HAW! Ah oh! What, a do over? 75 cents= $1,248.00. and then random $200-300. Did have to sign IRS papers though. Love those bells and whistles. I also went into a steam room for my first time I didn't know if i would last, you couldn't see your hand in front of your face once they let the steam in, it was really "cool" (not the steam). Of course I'm talking to all with science back rounds,almost, Bobby will get the money item. Anyway I'm rambling. Take a look at this storm picture, ignore me in front of the window, no I didn't get my hair kinked, it's just what happens when you let Tom take the picture. Look close at the beach then you can see where the breakers are followed by the ocean followed by sunny clear sky being chased out to see by the storm that came in from the west. It was really neat to watch the storm taking over with the thunder and lightning.