Friday, September 12, 2008

The Unexpected Birth

Thought the boys would like to see the kittens. I told them it was a secret.

Meg guessed it, after their visit last week and remarking how thin the cats were, I decided to worm them before I went to AC, not really a good thing to do for an expectant mom, thought she looked better the very next day, so I thought it worked, until I got home and saw her with her baby. Here are a few flicks. It took me about 10 seconds to realize I had the cap on the camera, so be patient. Now Krissy you might have heard of this before, it may be to hard to look at...Cat Juggling! But all three take a nap after playing.

1 comment:

thennelly said...

I don't think I would let Ount Wis play that rough with my kids.